Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Freethinkers in the south, unite!

"SAUCE FOR ALL stands for “Southern Atheists United for Candid Expression, Freethought, Openmindedness, Reason, and Living Life.” It was founded in 2011 in Starkville, Mississippi by a pair of students at MSU, with support of several groups around that state. It has since grown to 17 groups in Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Texas, and continues to grow..."

Blogs / Podcasts / Etc.

Sauce For All – About

1 comment:

  1. We're plugged in to the "SAUCE FOR ALL" resource network too:

    "You're up and going on our list!

    Thanks for the submission! If you have any suggestions let us know, also, we only have two groups from TN indexed. So if you know of a few groups that might be interested in being added to our Index feel free to email them and direct them to our Join Us page.

    -Chris Dees"
